
Prophetic cards?

I will admit that one thing I love on the internet more than anything else is conspiracy theories. I don’t mean that I believe all or any of them. But I love them. People’s imagination is amazing and I will often write about new ones or particularly interesting ones on here. My most recent *find* it’s nowhere near new, but I hadn’t heard of it before. Everyone knows of the illuminati, mostly thanks to Dan Brown’s books I should think. But there are some hard core conspiracy theorists that believe that there is really a upper class ruling body that governs the world. And often some of the evidence for that is a lot more compelling than the American governments answer to these things, YOU CRAZY! But that’s for another blog.
 Around the 1980s and early nineties Steve Jackson card games released a almost Pokémon style card game to do with conspiracies. The whole game is supposed to be a tongue in cheek take on most of the popular conspiracies of the late 20th century. But the most gripping aspect of these cards is not the conspiracies that the cards are written about. It is the images encaptioned in the little frame above the cards stats.
 The images display different things to go along with the conspiracy, naturally. But some of the images seem to convey more than that. One in particular called Terrorist Nuke, shows two tall buildings, one exploding in the middle and it looks a lot like the image of the attack on the twin towers. Another shows the Pentagon with smoke rising from the centre. But even though both events took place a decade after the cards were published, it’s not too hard to imagen something like an attack on the tallest buildings in the world, or the American hub of secret intelligence, so that could be put down to sheer coincidence. Could.
 But there are other cards too that seem to express other meanings than were not intended. There is card called Backlash that seems that a dark skinned man in a suit that has an uncanny resemblance to Mr. Obama being pelteded with tomatoes, while a smilar card with a lighter skinnined man being hailed. I notice how nasty the media has been about Obama recently.  Combined disasters is a card that shows a number of people running away from a collapsed clock tower, while some think it signifies Big ben and the colour of the shirts on the people are the olymipic colours, I think it looks more like the Wako clock tower in Tokyo. Another called Stay dead, where the white haired man in the picture looks a lot like infamous head of wikileaks Jullian assange. Others seem to show images or Whitney Huson and Lady Gaga.
 There are many more that even relate to extremely recent history, Ketchup is a Vegetable. Didn’t one state in America class pizza as a vegetable because of the tomato sauce on it about a month or so ago? Interestingly we call ketchup over in the U.K. tomato sauce. Just my input.
 Defintalty worth a google.

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